👿Keitaro's customization

To get data from keitharu, you need to:

For EU WORKERS, go to your profile and change your language to English.

Go to the control panel.

Click "Add Domain" and the bot will give you the NS and data from Keitaru.

You have to go to the site that the bot gave you.

Once you're on the site, you need to go to the "Domains" tab.

Click on the "Add" button.

  1. In the "Domain" line, enter the name of the domain you have bound to the bot.

  2. Enable HTTPS.

  3. "Park to campaign" you can specify your company to pour directly to your domain if you do not want to, then do not specify it

Once we've added the Domain Go to the Campaigns tab

Press the "Create" button

  1. You must include the name of the company.

  2. In the "Domain" line, select your domain from the list.

  3. Identifier. The identifier is added to the campaign link. For example, if you choose the domain example.com and the identifier cloudservers, the link looks like https://example.com/cloudservers. (If you want to have 2+ lends on 1 domain at once, this is the best option).

Next, click "Create Stream."

  1. The "Basic" tab Specify the name of the stream as you like, but I personally, by example, always specify, for example, if black, then "Black", if white, then "White", depending on where the bots or mammoths are directed to

  2. Type of flow

    • Interceptors. Prioritized over Normal. They are used to intercept bots or as a temporary screening of certain clicks.

    • Normal. Streams, by which the main distribution of clicks is made. They work in two modes: No rotation or split testing.

    • Locking. Used if the clique does not match streams. It is not possible to set filters

  3. Position Position specifies the position of a flow relative to other flows

Once we've specified everything we want, we go to the "Schema" tab.

Now you need to choose which lende you want. Choose from all the ones on the list.

I tell you right away, if you need wight under traffic, first through bot upload wight to the site. Then select the wight in the lendings. If you want the wight to drive already uploaded, found, for example, wight, you can simply specify a direct URL link to the wight.

Once we have specified everything, we go on.

Filters tab

Filters are certain conditions under which a user is admitted to a given stream.

  • Operators (AND/OR) If there is more than one filter, AND and OR operator selection is available.

  • OR operator The OR relation will take the user to the thread if any one condition from the filters exposed is met.

YES and NO conditions Most filters have Yes and No conditions.

Yes (or Select)

Click must meet the condition . For example, if you want only USA to fuck you on black, specify the Country.

and on white, point No.

and then you'll only have the U.S. fucking on black. Filters list

Date between

Setting up dates and time zones when the flow turn on or turn off ("IS" – the flow is turned on for these dates, "IS NOT" – the flow is turned off for these dates).


Add a timetable. ("IS" to allow, "IS NOT" to exclude).

Limit clicks

It limits how many clicks can be accepted to the flow. The number of clicks can be limited per hour, per last 24 hours, or total. When the limit of clicks is reached, the flow is switching off.


It checks the incoming parameter.

Masks, regular expressions and @empty meta-word for empty parameters are supported. Filter works as a strict coincidence. If you need partial coincidence, use masks or regular expressions ("IS" accepts clicks WITH parameters to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT parameters).


It checks the referrer. Masks and regular expressions are supported. The filter works as a strict coincidence. If you need partial coincidence, use masks or regular expressions. Example of a masks' usage: *google* for http://google.com/search?q=123 referrer ("IS" accepts clicks WITH referrers to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT referrers).


It checks the site. The site gets from the referrer or utm_source parameters.

Masks and regular expressions are supported ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned sites to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned sites).


It checks x-requested-with header content.

Regular expressions are available. Example: /value (a|b|c)/. ("IS" accepts clicks WITH headers to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT mentioned headers).


It checks the keyword property of the click.

Masks, regular expressions and @empty meta-word for empty keywords are supported. Filter works as a strict coincidence. If you need partial coincidence, use masks or regular expressions. ("IS" accepts clicks WITH mentioned keywords to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT mentioned keywords).

Search Engines

It checks search engine of the click.

Masks and regular expressions are supported ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned search engines to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned search engines).

Ad Campaign ID

It checks Ad Campaign ID of the click.

Masks and regular expressions are supported ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned advertising campaigns to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned advertising campaigns).

Creative ID

It checks the Creative ID property of the click.

Masks and regular expressions are supported ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned creative IDs to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned creative IDs).

Empty referrer

It checks if referrer is empty or not ("IS" accepts clicks WITH empty referrer to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT empty referrers).

Proxy detected

Checks if proxy is detected or not ("IS" accepts clicks WITH proxy headers to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT proxy headers).


It checks city of the IP.

Cities are written in English. You can either choose a city from a list, or enter the city's name manually. There are only cities with more than 500k people on the list. ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned cities to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned cities).


It checks state or region of the IP ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned regions to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM, EXCEPT mentioned regions).

Regional codes are different in each Geo database. So if you change a database, you need to set up regional filters once again.


It checks country of the IP ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned countries to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM, EXCEPT mentioned countries). IPv6

Checks if the click was made by IPv6 address or IPv4 ("IS" accepts only IPv6 to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts only IPv4).

Mobile operator

Check the mobile operator of the device ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned operators to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM, EXCEPT mentioned operators).


Checks the internet services provider of the device. ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned providers to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM, EXCEPT mentioned providers). Uniqueness

Checks if a click is unique or not ("IS" accepts unique clicks, "IS NOT" accepts NOT unique clicks).


  • For a flow. A click is unique in the current flow

  • For a campaign. A click is unique for a whole campaign

  • For all the campaigns. A click is unique among the campaigns.

A click becomes unique again after a period set in a campaign's settings. The period is calculated since the very first visit.


If the device is detected as bot ("IS" accepts bots to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts NOT bot to the flow).

Connection Type

Checks the connection type of the device ("IS" accepts clicks WITH mentioned connection type to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT mentioned connection type).

Supported types:

  • Dialup.

  • Cable or DSL.

  • Corporate.

  • Mobile network.

If there is no database only Cellular, and WiFi are available.


Checks the browser of the device ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned browsers to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned browsers).

You can either choose a browser from a list, or enter the browser's name manually.

Masks and regular expressions are supported.

Browser Version

Checks the browser version of the device ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned browser versions to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned browser versions).

Device Model

Checks the device model ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned devices to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned devices).

It's possible to choose values from the list, or enter model name manually.

Masks and regular expressions are supported.

Filter is not strict, which means you can enter "iPhone" for iPhone 5, 6, 6 Plus and others.

Device Type

It checks the device type ("IS" accepts clicks FROM mentioned devices to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks NOT FROM mentioned devices).

Supported types:

  • Desktop computer

  • Mobile phone

  • Tablet

  • Gaming console

  • TV

  • Smart display

  • Camera

  • Portable media player

  • Unknown

Operational System

It checks the operational system ("IS" accepts clicks made WITH devices with mentioned OS to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks made NOT WITH devices with mentioned OS).

You can either choose a device model from a list, or enter the device model manually.

Masks and regular expressions are supported.

OS Version

Checks the version of operational system ("IS" accepts clicks made WITH devices with mentioned OS version to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks made NOT WITH devices with mentioned OS version).


It checks the user agent of the browser ("IS" accepts clicks WITH mentioned user agents to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT mentioned user agents).

Masks and regular expressions are supported. Filter works as a strict coincidence. If you need partial coincidence, use masks or regular expressions.


Checks the language for the browser ("IS" accepts clicks WITH mentioned languages to the flow, "IS NOT" accepts clicks WITHOUT, EXCEPT mentioned languages)

Example Company for traffic for usa

as we have created a company click on

and we get a link like this https://cthulhu.in/szGsmy 1 Domain 2 Identifier

2 can be different even xiuslona etc

Last updated